New updates for: P-51D - February 3rd, 2020

Hello everyone. It's me Antony, back with another Blog while we are discovering new things in 2020. And nothing like a good Blog to entertain you.

For today, I'll be showing new renders of the American P-51D Mustang after the recent updates on its structure.

What I did was: I added the reinforced glass for the cockpit, the air intake below the fuselage (the 'belly' as I could say), the roundels, a small adjustments on the rudder, spinner and armaments and the tail-elevator. It's looking good so far. The Mustang received the Subdivision Surface modifier on its structure and glass, though I had some tricky issues with the elevator while using Crease edge (Shift E on Blender), which I had to create more subdivisions in the mesh (Ctrl R on Blender).

The next step to do is adjusting the fuselage and see if I can attach the radiator to it and make the frames and navigation components for the cockpit and the landing gear. Then the last thing is texturing and rigging. Fortunately (as far I can say) the original armature for the P-38 Lightning has been appended while I was going to use the roundels for the P-51. While it has the propeller spinning animation, it will save me from re-creating the armature for one engine aircraft. But I'll have to adjust in order to fit it in the aircraft.

That's it for today. I hope you enjoy it. I'll be back with more Blogs in this year. I plan to share more artworks and other things I did in my time. Until the time comes, you will be surprised to see it. See you next time.

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