New updates for: G.55 Centauro, Lancaster, Hurricane, changes on the British planes and SSRB Botan - April 29, 2023

Hello everyone. It's me Antony, back with another blog in 2023.

I know. I slowed down the activities on Blogspot again due to my studies. Yup, the civil service exam I mentioned in my previous Blog - scheduled on May of 7th of this year. I paid my subscription in case I'd try, again. If I fail, it would be another civil service performed, with my money being spent for nothing.

I'm still waiting to be called to work at the public health center by the selective process exam for the attendant vacancy. They called the candidate of number 32 and I'm number 33 in the approved candidates list. Others that had been called gave up, with some of them being from other cities, while others are working or other situations they couldn't be fit. At least this is good because it will speed up the calling to reach me. And I'm still waiting to be called to work as a teacher by the Government's selective process I assigned for a while. Both are great in case I'd receive some payment for my services and skills. Until then, let's wait.

Putting my personal news aside, let's go to the important thing here in this Blog. For today, I'm going to show you the new images of the G.55 Centauro, Avro Lancaster and Hawker Hurricane. Originally I plan to share the images of the Lancaster along with its recent video I recorded, which I plan to air it on May (probably after concluding the Bf 109's time lapse series). Still, I'll share its images here.

Fiat G.55 Centauro:

The G.55 received the landing gear from the Macchi C.202 Folgore / C.205 Veltro while the fairings are ready. The ones located next to its center are a separate model - adjusted for landed mode.

Other components made were: the aerial attachment, the ring-like antenna, the hard points for the bombs, the landing gear doors, the ailerons, the navigation lights from the wing tips and a minor adjustment on the wings to make it a little thin. I guess I can conclude this Italian aircraft quite soon unless my attention is split with other projects.

The next components to be made are the flaps, the bombs (and the naval torpedoes for the G.55S variants), the cockpit components, rigging and adding a nice texture. Probably I may save this temporary material for different G.55 Centauro planes.

Avro Lancaster B Mk III:

After the last video, I added a combination of dark green and brown for the upper section's main material.  Although it is a temporary material, it might give you some interesting ideas for making nice materials.

Another thing I added was the squadron markings (the A, Z and L), some metal frames on the bombardier place, the forward and top turrets, some plates on top of the fuselage, the ailerons, the rudder balance mass, a minor adjustment on the cabin's frame and the landing gears. Pretty cool, right?

During the development, I saved a different model for the cabin - just to confirm some things related to it. The next components to add to the Lancaster are the navigation lights, minor reworks on the engine air intake, the doors for the landing gear, concluding its turrets, the antenna, the aerial attachments and other components - and its interior. After that, a nice texture and rigging the plane.

Hawker Hurricane Mk I:

Alright. The Hawker Hurricane Mk I. I finally fixed the thing with the wings fairings - especially the minor junction with the main fairing connected to the retractable landing gear. I added another Bone to attach that component to it in order to make its landing / lift off animations. At least it is a good thing.

Another change was the colors. Although I found the dark green and brown colors quite good for the upper section and a silver color for the lower section, I decided to look out for different settings from build-up kits (and take some inspiration from War Thunder, despite the colors might change from one thing to another). Still, the new color set looks interesting.

For one thing, the Hurricane has been concluded, but I may include other things for it. Like for example the Matcap or the Normal Map texture. In case you ask what exactly it is, the Normal Map helps to create projections without editing on the mesh itself. It helps to indicate what place will project outside or inside.

Let me show an example to help you understand.

Source: Wikipedia and Wikipedia Commons.

As you can see in this picture to illustrate a Normal Map, the lighter areas (from teal to light blue, light orange / magenta) indicate the object receiving the light - creating a projection towards outside; while the darker areas (from dark blue to purple) indicate the object not receiving the light - creating a projection towards inside or simply by 'sinking'.

In other words, if you want to create projections, grooves, scratches and spacing between one object to another without creating too much polygons and saving more time to render and space in your HDD or SSD, Normal Map / Bump Map / Matcap is an alternative most of the 3D artists adopt to create interesting results without relying in extra objects or polygons.

I might adopt it to change some things in my previous projects. Taking for example the tanks, vehicles, weapons and planes. In case I want to add the spacing between two or several metal plates, I could use the texture itself or the Normal Map to create the projections.

Alright. And where does the Hurricane come in?
Simple. As I looked at some drawings, photos and blueprints, I noticed some grooves at the rear section of its fuselage to its rudder. It is a fabric covering designed to cover the steel framing that links with the aluminum sheets from the cockpit.

Interesting fact about that, before the outbreak of WW2, most of the planes (except the German planes) were built with a mixture of plywood / wood, fabric covering and steel pieces. Aluminum (at some countries was scarce / hard to obtain) was often used in critical components like the flight controls, engine cowling, cockpit and a small portion of the wings.

For the grooves, I'll use the Normal Map without adopting the Boolean Modifier or adding too much subdivisions - which 'kills' me with more painful work.

Now, another thing I want to highlight in this Blog is: the new set of colors I used for the Hurricane was also applied to my Lancaster and the Supermarine Spitfire Mk I.

Avro Lancaster B Mk III:

Although I didn't changed it in video, I shall keep it for the next one I plan to record.

Supermarine Spitfire Mk I:

I don't know, but I think it fits well for British planes before 1943-44. Yet I kept the original textures in case I want to go back for it. The Spitfire Mk IX will remain with the original set of colors.

One final thing before ending this Blog. While I was about resume the Hurricane, I made something different from my usual content on Blender. I hope you guys like it.

In case you ask what it is, it's the SSRB Botan. As far I found out, some people call it Shishiro Bodans. It's the main brand / mascot / fanbase from Shishiro Botan - famous Hololive Vtuber with lioness ears and teeth. There's some 3D animations I found out on YouTube of her with the SSRBs - some are quite funny.

I decided to make them since I found pretty easy to make on Blender. The eyes, the mouth and the tooth are different objects. Probably I may remove / keep them for safekeeping after making its texture.

The last two renders are the same SSRB with different materials and eyes.

Well, that's it for now my friends. I hope you like this Blog. In case I have some spare time to enjoy, I'll be working on other things aside from Blender projects and my personal things. Until the time comes, you will be surprised to see them. See you next time.

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Link to the Normal Map image:

Note: Don't you dare to download these images and re-share it without my permission. If you do, please, leave the original author name.


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