Civil service exam and new updates for: M3 Half-Track - April 17, 2023
Hello everyone. It's me Antony, back with another blog in 2023.
I know. I slowed down the activities on Blogspot again due to my studies. Yup, the civil service exam I mentioned in my previous Blog - scheduled on May of 7th of this year. I paid my subscription in case I'd try, again. If I fail, it would be another civil service performed, with my money being spent for nothing.
I'm still waiting to be called to work at the public health center by the selective process exam for the attendant vacancy. They called the candidate of number 32 and I'm number 33 in the approved candidates list. Others that had been called gave up, with some of them being from other cities, while others are working or other situations they couldn't be fit. At least this is good because it will speed up the calling to reach me. And I'm still waiting to be called to work as a teacher by the Government's selective process I assigned for a while. Both are great in case I'd receive some payment for my services and skills. Until then, let's wait.
Putting my personal news aside, let's go to the important thing here in this Blog. For today, I'm going to show you the new images of the M3 / M3A1 Half-Track. Due to my activities being slowed down due to my studies, this is going to be a short Blog.
The Half-Track received a new temporary material from the M4A1 Sherman. Now it's showing some wear effects and dust accumulated at hard points. For the .50 caliber rounds case, I may change to its original material or reduce the wearing marks in the Node Editor.
Also, I imported the U.S. Army and Brazilian FEB decals on top of the engine housing and the cargo bucket. Now it's looking good with those markings to inform their main nation. I could also make the German captured versions of the M3 Half-Track in case I would render some images of German troops using American Half-Tracks to invade Allied outposts; or Soviet Half-Tracks since Red Army received some of them through the Lend-Lease accord. The forward lights were also imported from the American M4A1 tank.
Now, the most important change was the tracks. My brother taught me a new way to use the Array and Curve modifier without using the main object like the tracks.
The method he learned and taught me is: creating a new simple plane - without subdividing it on Edit mode; select the main object, applying the Scale and Rotation, then Make Parent to the plane by Ctrl P (on Blender of course). On Instancing option while the plane is selected, change from None to Faces and turn off the Render mode on Show Instancer.
At first he advised me to start with the ammo belt from the M1919 Browning LMG and the MG42 in order to create a new one without the deforming features from the Curve modifier. Then I tried it on the tracks for the Panzer I (and its funny variant), Panzer III, Panzer IV, Tiger I and the M4A1 Sherman.
The results are quite interesting and it would save you some space in your HDD / SSD. The downside I found was: the object of reference might go off when I move the planes in Y axis to make the tracks moving while attached to the Bezier Curve; and you cannot disable the object of reference's visibility on Render or View mode, otherwise the planes won't load it. Instead, I had to create a new folder for the tracks (original object) and toggle off in the Hide in Viewport option.
I'll record a video teaching you how to use this method I learned from my brother. It might help you to create interesting results without consuming a big space from your HDD / SSD. I don't know when I plan to do that because of the civil service exam. (damn)
Well, that's it for now my friends. I hope you enjoy this Blog. In case I have some spare time to enjoy, I'll be working on other things aside from Blender projects and my personal things. Until the time comes, you will be surprised to see them. See you next time.
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