New updates for: Bf 110C-7 and Panzer IV - December 18, 2022

Hello everyone. It's me Antony, back with another blog in 2022. 

December arrived and the year is close to the end, same goes for my job contract at the public health center - scheduled to end on December 31, 2022. Yet, December 31 is a Saturday, so I will work until December 30 since the weekends and holidays weren't included in my timesheet. Still, I guess I'll have to go after another civil service exam while I wait for the call for the selection process for attendant.

For this month, my university semester has been concluded - allowing me to rest while my addition to my service at the public health center is still in course. And again, Warframe introduced the new Nightwave intermission chapter (Oh God, not again). Fortunately, my work schedule was modified in mid-November due to the vacation of one of the attendants and the transfer of another to the warehouse sector after the employee in that area had been approved in a civil service exam. The new working hours will be permanent until the end of my contract.

Alright. With nothing else to add, let's go for the Blog. For today, I'm going to bring new images of the Messerschmitt Bf 110 C-7 and the Panzer IV Ausf F2(G) on its current stage of development.

Messerschmitt BF 110 C-7:

The Bf 110 received new changes after my last time I visited the project. The new components added were the radiators located next to the engine housing, a new lamp for the landing light and some metal links for the landing gear. I appended it from the Messerschmitt Me 262 project in order to speed up some things. Aside from these new components, the wing tips had a small adjustment.

The next components are: the ailerons and the flaps, the bombs hardpoints, the cockpit internal components (disregarding the panel and the gunsight) like the seat for the pilot and gunner; applying the Mirror Modifier for the other side of the wing in case of leaving one side with the air intake and the landing light, rigging the plane and a nice texture. I may include the Zerstörergeschwader (the destroyer wing squadron) emblem on the plane's nose or a shark mouth decal. In the future, in case I would make the Nachtjäger (night fighter) version of the Bf 110, I'll include the FuG 220 "Lichtenstein" SN-2 and FuG 202 "Lichtenstein" B/C radar antennas on the plane's nose, in addition to the twin MG FF/M installed in Schräge Musik position and some modified engine exhaustion outlets.

Panzer IV Ausf. F2(G):

The Panzer IV received new components until yesterday. The new changes were some mesh extracted for the commander cupola, some steel plates around the turret, a new 'dome' on the turret, the metal link from the gun mantlet to the cannon, the driver sight and a slight adjustment at the forward section of the chassis and the suspension system. For one thing, this German medium tank is looking good.

Then the updates continued:

I made a new adjustment on the middle section of the chassis along the change for the wheels' materials - from metal to rubber; another 'dome' was added to the turret, two MG34 barrels - one on the ball mantlet and one on the cannon mantlet; and a rework on the driver sight. Although the MG34 remain in development, I decided to include its barrels for test. I plan to include it on the Panzer IV after its conclusion, same thing for the Tiger I's project.

After these changes, I added more hatches on the turret and the chassis. Also, I changed the materials for the wheels once again, this time keeping the rubber ring with its main color.

So far, it's looking good. And finally, I decided to make its tracks. Although I stated I'd make it once the suspension system would be complete, I changed my mind while I was making one of its pieces.

The main piece was made, then after I re-visited the Tiger I's project, I added the Array and Curve modifier for the track piece to create several while following a Bezier Curve. Now this German tank is looking awesome with tracks. Minor changes were made for the rear wheel in order to make a space for the tracks to slide in.

Another change was the forward lights. I may change it in the future based on photos and game screenshots - especially from War Thunder.

The last update for the Panzer IV was the addition of new cylinder, wooden crate box and the Wehrmacht markings on the chassis; some 'lumps' on the forward section of the chassis for the gear box access plates, the holding bars on the turret, some bolts on the cannon's base, a cylinder to hold the spare wheels, the locking pins on the turret storage box, a minor adjustment on the middle chassis by receiving the Bevel modifier and the forward lights.

Previously the tracks had a metal with mud material, but I changed to a clean metal in order to render the images a little bit faster. Yet, I guess it's loading a little slow due to lots of modifiers like the Mirror, Subdivision Surface, Array and Curve. I guess I'll pay it some extra attention.

Other components to include are the antenna, the hatches' locking pins, the working tools like axes and shovels, a rework on the chassis, a wooden crate, a good painting and rigging the tank. In case I would make its later versions, I'll include the Schürzen spaced armor around the turret and chassis, the smoke canisters and a Zimmerit coating texture. For the variants, the only changes are the turret's replacement for a fixed steel plating and a gun for the respective roles (big cannons for StuG / Jagdpanzer / Nashorn / Hummel; Flak for Flakpanzer; and mortar for Sturmpanzer).

Well, that's it for now my friends. I hope you enjoy this Blog. In case I have some spare time to enjoy, I'll be working on other things aside from Blender projects and my personal things. Until the time comes, you will be surprised to see them. See you next time.

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