New updates for: Spitfire and P-38; and new versions for: Bf 109 and Spitfire - June 29, 2020

Hello everyone. It's me Antony, back with another Blog. Fortunately I managed to reach the final score of chapter 3 from Nightwave (Warframe), which will now allow me to conclude my 3D projects on Blender.

And since we are still in this quarantine phase while the World makes their best to find a (possible) cure for the COVID-19 pandemic (which by now a lot of people managed to make it and now are moving to the test phase before release it into the hospitals).

For today, I'll be showing new renders of the Supermarine Spitfire.

I decreased the color saturation for the grayish-light blue camouflage. However, since its Mirror modifier is still there, the other side of the Spitfire will reflect the texture of the wings, fuselage and tail. I applied it for a small test while counting with two textures for these components, tough the results looked weird. I still need to adjust some things before concluding the project.

Beyond that detail, I included the wing flaps for the Spitfire - similar thing I did to the P-38 Lightning since extracting some parts from the mesh without messing up the wings is, at the moment, complicated. And I made the stick and instrument panel inside the cockpit. But, I can only show you these new changes in a new Blog, because I haven't rendered them after the changes.

Speaking on the P-38 Lightning, I made few changes on the American heavy-fighter.

Similar to the P-51 Mustang, the Bf 109 and the Spitfire, I included a metallic lighting effect on its structure and I made a yoke. Different from most aircraft built in WW2, the P-38 counted with a yoke instead of a central-stick. I also made the landing lights below the main fuselage - which is shown in the fifth render of the aircraft. I switched the USAAF roundel  from 1943 to the 1942 version since this aircraft is a P-38 Lightning F/G version.

Aside from these updates on my previous main projects, I decided to make different versions for these warbirds. Taking the example of my Bf 109 and Spitire.

Bf 109F-3:

On the F version of the Bf 109, I made some changes on the propeller spinner and the removal of some components like the bubbles on the nose, the cannons on the wings (they counted with a cannon inside of the aircraft's nose - almost on the same line to the Daimler Benz DB-601E engines) and links from the aircraft's tail to the elevator. The other requiring changes I need to do is remaking the air intake on the left side of the aircraft, the wings tip, the flaps and the painting. After the F version, I'll make the G and K versions.

Bf 109T-3:

The Bf 109T-3 or Bf 109 Trägerflugzeug (carrier aircraft) was the naval version for the iconic Bf 109. The idea was to build a carrier-based aircraft after the success of other carrier aircraft from other nations, with Japan and Great Britain as one of the examples. It consisted in the E version of the aircraft, with some changes on the texture for the wings tip and fuselage. However, the T version had a tail-hook, catapult fittings and an increased wingspan to 11.08 m (36.35 ft). These small details can be attended while working on this model.

However, since there isn't too much colored photos from that aircraft, I can only count with some images and my imagination to texture the Bf 109T-3.

Spitfire Mk I:

The Spitfire Mk I is the first version produced by the British prior to WW2. Unlike the Mk V and Mk IX, the Mk I counted with 2 to 4 pairs of M2 Browning machine guns as the main armament and it has 3 pairs of engine exhaustion outlets and 3 propellers - compared to the Mk IX that counted with 6 pairs of exhaustion outlets and 4 propellers.

Other thing that is different is the air intake below its wings. The Mk I has an asymmetrical set of air intakes - with a box-like intake on the right side and a cylinder-like intake on the left side. It was maintained until the introduction of the Spitfire Mk VII by making the other similar side of the box-like air intake.

I'm still using the wings and fuselage texture from the Mk IX, yet I plan to make the proper texture for the Mk I with those brown markings for the camouflage. The material for the spinner has been changed to black and the roundels has been made based on the Battle of France, the evacuation from Dunkirk to the Battle of Britain.

Just for fun. Two Spitfire aircraft - one Mk IX and one Mk I:

Incredible. Don't you think?

Probably I'll make the Mk V as well - with the only thing to add is the Hispano cannons. I'm not sure if I plan to make the Mk XIV or the P-51A/B/C Mustang in case I conclude these different models. But I do plan to make the P-38J Lightning - just to extrude some faces from the nacelles' tip.

Well, that's it for now my friends. I hope you enjoy this Blog. I'll be back with more in this year. I plan to share more artworks and other things I did in my time. Until the time comes, you will be surprised to see it. See you next time.

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