Just for Fun - P-38, Bf 109, P-51 and Spitfire - June 12, 2020

Hello everyone. It's me Antony, back with another Blog.

I'm still working on my projects at a low rate due to the new chapter of Nightwave from Warframe, which kinda sucks when I divert my main time to perform those repetitive challenges (or as most gamers would say: grinding) and leaving my other works after that when I'm not depleted, running out of motivation or suffering from some tendonitis or any other repetitive strain injury. Prior to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, I used to do Karate and walk to exercise. I could practice at home, unfortunately my house is so small, it has narrow corridors and rooms - limiting me to perform Kihon (one of the important bases of Karate besides Kata - the imaginary fight where you perform a series of movements to defend yourself from imaginary adversaries); and lately I stayed at home most of my time, going out with my mom to help her shopping things, paying some bills and all that stuff. I just hope for the things start to change for the best and the flexibilize the quarantine.

As for Warframe, I'm pretty sure I can reach the max level of Nightwave at the next week or third week of June, and after that, I'll return with full attention to my main projects and give that game a break.

And again, since we are still in this quarantine phase while the World makes their best to find a (possible) cure for the COVID-19 pandemic (which by now a lot of people managed to make it and now are moving to the test phase before release it into the hospitals). And nothing like a good Blog to entertain you.

For this Blog, I'll be showing new renders of my WW2 aircraft into one scene. That's right, Lockheed P-38 Lightning, Messerschmitt Bf 109, North American P-51 Mustang and Supermarine Spitfire - all together.

I tried my best to scale the other aircraft into a proper scale on Blender. Compared to the P-38 Lightning, the Bf 109 and the P-51 looked bigger while the Spitfire looked smaller. There's few images showing a size comparison of some WW2 aircraft where the Bf 109 is smaller than the Focke-Wulf FW 190 A-8, Spitfire, P-40 Warhawk, P-51 Mustang, Mitsubishi A6M 'Zero', Hawker Hurricane, F4U Corsair, P-47 Thunderbolt and P-38 Lightning.

Other thing I noticed is the Spitfire is lacking a pilot seat and reflector sight. I don't know if I rigged them correctly or they weren't attached to the armature. Because of that, I removed them for the render procedures. Since it is for a test, I didn't created a file for it - probably when I plan to animate them.

And now for the renders where they are flying.

Amazing. Don't you agree? I know the Mustang looks almost falling due to the Y-axis rotation. And since I don't have a proper background and ground, this is going to be a test with these appended aircraft into one project file: the P-38 Lightning.

Speaking on that American twin-boom engine aircraft, I'm using a different U.S.A.F roundel for the aircraft. The reason is: a majority of P-38E and P-38F used that roundel until changing it for a new version - the one with red lines around the blue circle and white star.

Also, I did a small project for the P-38 Lightning as I have it complete (almost if I don't plan to add more things to the aircraft). It's not fully done, but I plan to continue working on it. Let me show you.

I made two hangars for a squadron of P-38s while one of them is inside of the first hangar. I made few adjustments on those structures, added the USA flags, a pile of drop tanks and bombs. Since the aircraft look the same, I'll make different decals, textures and a different set of squadron number series. Who knows this project will be my first animation ever made on Blender? Though I'm used to make small animations like I did for the USS Enterprise - exported from Minecraft to 3DS Max, it won't be different from that program I used in the past.

Now here's one thing: I don't plan to make anything related to Star Trek on Blender. Why? I don't have big plans of including it for my to-do list. What about Star Wars? Maybe I'll do the lightsabers and probably my OCs Tony K'wley and Benet Torius.

Well, that's it for now my friends. I hope you enjoy this Blog. I'll be back with more in this year. I plan to share more artworks and other things I did in my time. Until the time comes, you will be surprised to see it. See you next time.

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