A girl named Suelen...

"Os amigos devem ser amigos para sempre,
Mesmo que não tenham nada em comum,
Somente compartilhar as mesmas recordações."

(Friends must be friends forever,
Even though they have nothing in common,
Only to share the same memories.)

Suelen Gandra Santana

Hello everyone. I hope everything is alright around you. For this Blog, I'm going to change a little bit the topics. Just this time, I think.

On this day, I usually make something related to one of my difficult events that changed my life. Most artworks are from a story I created called Antony's Triviality: Carry you Home, and on the story, a portion of it is based on that event.

Never forget her. Link on my DeviantArt:

Five years without you. Link on my DevianArt:

Below these images, I will share some of the few videos made in her honor that I found.

She is one of my dearest friends I met during my graduation at school. 5th grade of school. Suelen Gandra Santana. I bet you already know her name through Antony's Triviality. She has a twin sister - Sabrina, and a young brother - Matheus (I usually called him Gandra).

Unfortunately, fate came too soon and took most of her friends in shock. Including myself. On September 2nd, 2010, Suelen passed away. I was devastated after hearing her demise note.

After that event, there was a day I visited her grave. I went there alone after we were dismissed by absence of classroom. My only words I said when I was there were: "The needs of many outweigh the needs of the few... or the one. I have been and always shall be your friend."

Even though that event has passed, I still feel the scars on my heart. Like on my few poems: "Outside I may smile, but it will express so few. On the inside of my heart, I forgot how to show a smile of happiness." I plan to pay her a visit on the coming November 2nd. Preferably alone, no matter the objections.

Normal activities of this Blogspot will return after this week. See you next time.

Note: Don't you dare to download these images and re-share it without my permission. If you do, please, leave the original author name.


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