New updates for: Crusader, concluding the P-47-25 Thunderbolt and the Bf 109E - March 20, 2024

Hello everyone. It's me Antony, back with another Blog in 2024.

I know I've been absent for a while without a new Blog. I'm still working as a receptionist at the public health center where I live and my 7th semester is still ongoing. That means, my time for Blogs decreased to some occasions.

The town hall is calling the candidates from the civil service exam. They called the first two approved candidates for the receptionist vacancy, with the first one accepting it. The nurse and the archive officer is still going, the fourth candidate for ambulance driver on duty accepted the vacancy while the three other candidates didn't take it as they are working for other town halls. I'm still I'm waiting to be called to work as a community health agent or as a receptionist. Unless the second candidate accept the vacancy, I'll have to wait a little more. There's a chance they might call me after they inaugurate the new public health center, dedicated for specialized doctors (pediatrics, cardiologist, ginecologist, physiotherapist and nutritionist).

Nightwave intermission chapter is complete, so I don't have to worry about it.

Enough of Warframe, let's go to the important thing in this Blog. I'm going to share you the Crusader tank Mk III, the P-47 Thunderbolt and the Bf 109 E model. Unlike the renders I'm used to share you in my Blogs, I'm going to share the links to the models that are now available in my Sketchfab.

First of all, the Crusader tank Mk III.

The Crusader received some minor changes on the wheels, the chassis, the driver section, the turret, the tracks and the section of the engine air intake radiator. Although I noticed the right side is missing the components, I fixed it on the Mirror Modifier by attaching it to the chassis. Still, the British tank is looking good.

I have to adjust some things on the chassis, the towing hook and the external fuel tank support beams. I may add the decals as objects with Shrinkwrap modifier and the extra steel plates to protect the wheels. Also, I plan to make the Mk I and Mk II by adding the extra turret with a Besa MG on the left side of the chassis. For the texture, I'll make inspired on the Desert Rats (the British army in North Africa under command of Bernard Montgomery).

Republic P-47D-25 Thunderbolt:

Alright. The P-47 is now complete and with a nice texture inspired in Lt. Rui Moreira Lima that fought in Italy during the Italian Campaign. I used lots of Mask images to paint in order to preserve the original texture in Gimp, like the red markings on the flaps and the bomb decals on the fuselage. Minor changes were the canopy with the trails for opening / closing and the cartridge exhaustion ports being change from the objects attached to wings via Shrinkwrap to the texture. Still, I plan to make some animated videos with the P-47 Thunderbolt.

The model is available at my Sketchfab. I'll leave the link for you to visit it:

Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-4 / E-7:

The Bf 109 E-4 / E-7 received a nice Bump texture. Comparing the images from the last Blog I talked about the Bf 109 (New videos and new updates for: Bf 109 E - June 11, 2023), the surface is presenting the rivets to fix each sheet to the airframe and wings. My brother suggested me to add the rivets to my planes. Also, like the P-38, I added some wearing and dirty effects on the main texture to give a realistic appearance, despite made after I concluded the video series.

Like the P-38 and the P-47, the Bf 109 E is now available at my Sketchfab. And yes, I included the uncesored version of the fin flash.

The next images I'll share you are from the Bf 109 F model.

After the Bf 109 E-4 / E-7, I decided to save a new file in order to preserve the textures used on the wings and fuselage while adjusting the vertices to fit with the original model or importing some components to the new file. Although there are some things that escaped from my expectation, I may adapt the UV mapping to speed up the painting procedure. However I have to remake the flaps since the E model to the F model changed a lot in airframe aspect. The cannons installed on the wings may remain to the model as gunpods since the F model retained the machine guns on the cowling, but a Motorkanone was installed behind the DB 601 engine to fire through the propeller hub.

I plan to make the F-4/trop - the desert version of the F-4 model with a sand filter and Marseille's colors.

Well, that's it for now my friends. I hope you like this Blog. Let us hope this year bring us new content and something different from the usual. In case I have some spare time to enjoy, I'll be working on other things aside from Blender projects and my personal things. Until the time comes, you will be surprised to see them. See you next time.

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Note: Don't you dare to download these images and re-share it without my permission. If you do, please, leave the original author name.


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