New videos and new updates for: Bf 109 E - June 11, 2023

Hello everyone. It's me Antony, back with another blog in 2023. Now that I'm working and studying, my time for Blogs decreased to some occasions. At least it is good to be back at work.

A while ago, the town hall announced a new civil service exam for this year - with some to the education and health departments. I may give it a shot, but it will be the same thing as before - Reserve my rest days for study. If I fail, it would be another civil service performed, with my money being spent for nothing.

For the calling process to work as a teacher, probably I'm going to give it up due to the lack / low numbers of vacancies for mathematics teachers.

Enough of that, let's go for the important. For this Blog, I'm going to show you the new videos and the new renders of the German Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-4 / E-7.

On this video, I made some corrections on the radiator flaps, added a new rear light and automatic slats from the wings leading edge. Then I started its texture process. As usual, the texture is a bit tricky when it comes to UV Mapping, but it's a nice part for making 3D models.

With the texture adjusted and fixed, I decided to include the idea for the Bump / Displacement from the Hawker Hurricane to the Bf 109. The results are amazing.

I applied the Mirror modifier to most of the components in order to paint the different patterns for the wings and fuselage. And I used several masks for the color layers I created on Gimp 2 - especially for the Gelb (yellow), Dunkelgrün (dark green), Grau (gray) and the scratches. Although it made the Gimp files a bit heavier, it is one of the things I adopted for making its texture.

For the Bump / Displacement, the same procedure I adopted for the Hurricane: Creating a gray layer while using black for groove and white for 'lump' / projection. The fuselage was easy to make when I enabled the Symmetry option on Paint Mode. But the wings were troublesome. When I painted one side while the Symmetry was active, the other side looked closer / far from the original position the surface I painted. I have no idea why this issue happened, but when I changed the model's origin to the fuselage's origin point, it affected the wings when I tried to draw the lines. Still, it was a thing I noticed when I was making the metal spacing lines for the Hawker Hurricane - mainly the wings.

With this in mind, I might need to find out different ways to paint it without having these issues.

Virtually the Bf 109 is complete. After the modelling procedure, the rigging, the painting and the Bump / Displacement texture ready, I can conclude this project and move to the other projects. Probably after the Bf 109 and the Hurricane, the next planes are the P-38 Lightning, the Spitfire, the B-17 Flying Fortress, the P-51 Mustang and the others. Still, I have the other variants like the F and the T models for the German air fighter.

Just for fun, I'm going to share you the last renders of the Bf 109 flying.

Amazing, huh? Who knows I plan to create some animations with this aircraft.

Well, that's it for now my friends. I hope you like this Blog. In case I have some spare time to enjoy, I'll be working on other things aside from Blender projects and my personal things. Until the time comes, you will be surprised to see them. See you next time.

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