New Updates for: Bf 109F-3, Ulzikrarun Jinna'ro and Minecraft characters - Antony's Triviality - August 1st, 2020

Hello everyone. It's me Antony, back with another Blog. We are now on August 1st - past the half of 2020; hoping for the things to get better as the World continues in this fight for survival and to develop a (possible) cure for the COVID-19 pandemic.

For this month - precisely the forth week, I'll be going to a new university in order to expand my horizon of opportunities for finding a new job and all things.

I may also resume my studies for another civil service exam - just for not getting too much rusty with basic knowledge with mathematics, Portuguese (my native language though I only use it more often on TonyLiteraryWorks) and specific knowledge. Enough of that, let's get back to my Blog.

For this Blog, I'll be talking the new changes on my previous projects, starting with Messerschmitt Bf 109 F-3 version.

The aircraft received a considerable changes on the wing tips, reflector gunsight and fuselage external components. Since the idea is to make the different versions for each aircraft, both the Bf 109, the Spitfire and the P-38 Lightning will be the candidates for this role.

I know there was another changes after these renders - like the air intake on the fuselage and the outlets on top of it, I'll render once I plan to make another set of modifications on this aircraft.

Now for another subject in this Blog. You guys remember my Ulzikrarun Jinna'ro - the sword that resembles a Samurai katana?

In case you missed or don't remember it, I'll leave the link to my Blogs I shared this render. I also uploaded it on my DeviantArt - link is at the end of this Blog.

My Introductions

2019 Retrospective and Happy Holidays

And now let me show you what I did recently to the project:

Sorry for the lighting to be so poor. At the moment I was still using the Light as Sunspot instead of a strong light. What changed from the last render on April 9, 2018 is: I changed the colors for the Sildek lines around the sword grip, the guard and the pummel. Unlike the other projects where I used a mix shader with the Diffuse shader node and a Gloss attached to make the metallic texture for some parts, I used the Principled BSDF for the gold material.

Just a small question: What is a Principled BSDF?
The Principled BSDF is one of the main Shader nodes used by Blender artists who prefer to create super detailed materials where the Diffuse some times can't simulate properly. For example, in case you want to create a steel-like material on Blender, the Principled is one of the most interesting shader nodes for that purpose. But if you are starting on Blender and want to use the Diffuse BSDF and Glossy BSDF, you can go for these two nodes and add a Mix Shader. Reminder: For light reflection characteristics, you need to regulate the roughness of the Glossy.

I tested the Principled on the golden parts for the Jinna'ro and it gave me an interesting result. For a small test, I decided to try the same setup I use for simple metallic materials, but the results presented me a simple plastic material. I really should rendered some image for material comparison, but that will be for another moment - or another Blog.

For the sword hilt, I used the Glass shader node to make a refined Eledium bar. For one thing it's looking good. Other than that, I rigged the sword in case I add it for another project and a new scabbard for when the owner is not engaged in combat. In the future, I may rework the textures for the blade and the Kreva.

And to conclude for today, my mini project of the Minecraft-styled characters. I decided to play a little bit by adding some mustache and beard for the male character - in Antony's Triviality case: the hero Antony. Take a look in these render tests:

 No beard and mustache

Mustache only

 Mustache and beard

Beard only

The facial hair has been rigged to the head. Initially I thought rigging the edges of the mustache and beard to the bones for the lips, but the initial ideas was scrapped. Since I like facial hair, it will be interesting to create different types of male characters. Like for example: With the mustache, I can make TonyTorius - the main hero from my Minecraft series on YouTube.

And before I conclude it, the last renders of my characters:

I made a second female character for my mini-project of Antony's Triviality in Minecraft style. Sabürina's twin sister: Suh. The idea for her and the others is to make a short animation inspired by the beginning of the book Carry you Home. I'm not sure about some changes on the characters' eyelids and lips. Until the time comes, this is all I could do.

Well, that's it for now my friends. I hope you enjoy this Blog. I'll be back with more in this year. I plan to share more artworks and other things I did in my time. Until the time comes, you will be surprised to see it. See you next time.

My DeviantArt:
My second Youtube channel:
My other Blogspot places:
My Instagram:

Note: Don't you dare to download these images and re-share it without my permission. If you do, please, leave the original author name.


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