2019 Retrospective and Happy Holidays

Hello everyone. It's me Antony, back with another blog here.

As you are aware, I'm spending December last days on vacation. I shall be back with normal activities on January, 2020. Before we move on to the next year, let's write another Blog of 2019.

Since the reason for this Blog is related to the end of 2019, I'll be writing a 2019 retrospective, by sharing the projects I started in this year and prior to 2019.

One of my projects were my attempt of making an Ulzikrarun sword and shield. The project didn't had new modifications after this render.

My Ulzikrarun Jinna'ro - the Sword of the Noble Templars. Also, it didn't had new modifications after this render.

The Claymore sword. This one had improvements until its current stage.

Number 2 Priscilla. Despite I started her project on 2018, she received a considerable  number of adjustments in this year.

Number 3 Irene. I started her project in this year. The idea is to make Priscilla's company, since the main idea is to make a mini-game of Claymore. Despite it is going pretty slow, I hope I can resume the project on 2020.

Lockheed P-38 Lightning - American's heavy fighter. My first aircraft project after I started to approach my love for WW2 aircraft. I advanced few things on the project, but I halted when it comes to lots of upcoming projects on Blender - some related to Claymore and some to different topics.

Back to Claymore, here's what I made so far.

New texture packs for the upcoming characters. From top to bottom: Alicia, Beth, Clare, Deneve, Flora, Galatea, Helen, Irene, Jean, Miria, Noel, Ophelia, Priscilla, Rafaela, Sophia and Teresa.

Clare's buckles. I know. It didn't received new adjustments after this render. But after Noel, Jean and Deneve are concluded, I shall resume her project.

Number 4 Sophia. I made her project after Irene and Priscilla. Currently she has Irene armor pieces, but for the next year I shall make her own armor.

Teresa of the Faint Smile. I started her after making some subdivisions on Sophia's hair. Then I reused it for Teresa's. Also, I had her buckles made for a long time. Meanwhile, I made her own armor pieces - the vambraces, chausses and sabatons.

Lastly, Number 5 Noel. I made her for a while. The idea was recording some time-lapse videos for TonyAnima Projects YouTube channel. Then I interrupted the project until the idea of Christmas scene came upon my mind.

Before ending this retrospective, here's more projects.

M1 Garand - the American main service rifle during WW2. I know the majority of my projects are not related to firearms, but I decided to do something different from the usual. I always like the M1 after playing H&G. Unfortunately for the next year, my time with games will be suspended, for a while.

Lastly, the German Messerschmitt Bf 109. I started this project while I was working on the P-38 Lightning. The idea is to make some animated movies with WW2 fighters engaging each other in dogfights. I don't have the new renders for both aircraft, but for the next year, I shall resume these projects and hope if I can conclude them.

That's it for this year. Merry Christmas everyone. Good Holidays and Happy New Year. I hope you enjoy it. I'll be back from vacation on January 2020. After that, I'll share new renders in this Blog.

My DeviantArt:
My second Youtube channel:

Claymore is a trademark of Norihiro Yagi (original writer and mangaka), Shueisha (publisher), Monthly Shōnen Jump, Weekly Shōnen Jump, Jump Square (manga distributor) and Madhouse Studio (anime).

Note: Don't you dare to download these images and re-share it without my permission. If you do, please, leave the original author name.


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