New updates for: Bf 109 E - November 18, 2019

Hello everyone. It's me Antony, back with another blog here.

The year is almost ending, and before December comes, let's write another Blog of 2019.

For today, I uploaded a new video for TonyAnima Projects' YouTube channel, continuing the Messerschmitt Bf 109 E project on Blender.

In the video, I struggled to make the rudder - the most tricky component for the Bf 109.

Why do you mean 'tricky'?
I duplicated the vertices from the main fuselage to make the rudder. About three attempts and during the process, I noticed some extra vertices that I had to delete or merge with others, which kinda messed up with the edges. Probably I'll fix it for the future videos.

Also, I tried to make the wings, but I found out it was going to be for another time.

The original time from which the recorded video had without intro and closure totaled 48 minutes and 26 seconds. Quite long in case I narrate it, but there are some Blender artists that spend more time recording and narrating while working on their projects.

And now for the rendered images:

There it is. This time I used only Shade Smooth for testing. It's looking good. I know I could leave it for the next video, but I prefer to do this in a separated object.

Speaking of which, I made a big jump with that separated object. Take a look:

Now the Bf 109 has a pair of wings and some armaments. Two MG 131 located on top of its nose and a pair of Mk 151/20 cannons - located on each wing. There's another cannon on the Bf 109, the Mk 108 - which is located inside of the nose. These additions will be reused for the next video, including the incoming Pitot tube, cockpit components, landing gears and the canopy.

After this aircraft and the P-38 Lightning are concluded, I'll make some short animation movies for test.

Well, that's it for now my friends. I hope you like this new Blog. I plan to share more artworks and other things I did in my time. Until the time comes, you will be surprised to see it. See you next time.

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Note: Don't you dare to download these images and re-share it without my permission. If you do, please, leave the original author name.


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