Call for the health community agent and concluding the A6M 'Zero' and the Spitfire - June 12, 2024

Hello everyone. It's me Antony, back with another Blog in 2024.

I know. I've been absent without writing anything new here. Job, studies, playing video-games, watching some YouTube videos, listening to some musics and doing my chores at some moments.

On Monday, I received the call from the city hall to take the vacancy for the agent community health and the attendant. However, as I cannot take the vacancy for two public offices unless I would be a professor or a doctor, I announced that I will take the vacancy for the agent and my withdrawal for the attendant - allowing the other candidate after me to be called. I did the blood tests and on Friday I will be examined by the work doctor to terminate the employment contract in which I was called up through the selection process and to be admitted to the position through the civil service exam. Monday will be my first day as a community agent.

I guess the 8th semester is finished because, there's nothing else to do and my exams has been performed.

New Nightwave intermission chapter is now on (Man, what a pain!). I guess I have no other choice.

Enough of that, let's go to the important thing in this Blog. I'm going to share you the new rendered images of the Mitsubishi A6M2 'Zero' Model 21 and the Supermarine Spitfire Mk I and Mk IX. Unlike the renders I'm used to share you in my Blogs, I'm going to share the links to the models that are now available in my Sketchfab.

Mitsubishi A6M2 Model 21:

Beautiful, isn't it? The first Japanese fighter I started is now ready. I concluded the Bump texture and added the Metal and Specular textures for the metal and fabric surface. I added a small segment for the tail fin and the horizontal tail.

I noticed the roundels on the fuselage could be a little bit closer to the ending edge of the wings and the rear segment of the canopy. Also, some Zero planes have the formation lights located under the wings - next to the cannon shells ejection ports. But it has been fixed after these renders. At least this A6M Zero is ready, unless I plan to add more things to the model.

I still have plans of making the A6M3, A6M4 and A6M5 based on the A6M2 - with minor changes on its air intake, engine cowling flaps, wing tips and armament.

Another thing I want to show you is the colors on the fuselage and the rudder. As I said in my previous Blog (New updates for: A6M 'Zero' - December 11, 2022), each color represents the aircraft carrier the A6M 'Zero' was based.
The one with the two blue stripes on the fuselage was based on the Hiryū.

The one with the two red stripes on the fuselage was based on the Kaga.

The one with the one red stripe on the fuselage and one yellow on the rudder was based on the Akagi.

The one with the two white stripes on the fuselage was based on the Zuikaku.

There are the other carriers that served in the Kidō Butai (the main Task Force from the Imperial Japanese Navy) like the Shōkaku, Sōryū, Zuihō, Hōshō, Ryūjō and Taiyō. As far I found out, the Shōkaku Zeros has a thin white stripe on the fuselage and rudder, with few of them having a white stripe with red outline and some with yellow stripes on the rudder. The Sōryū Zeros has a blue stripe on the fuselage like the Hiryū's Zeros.

For the other aircraft carriers, it may prove to be difficult to find a proper picture of the Zeros, unless I may try to find in Japanese.

The model is available at my Sketchfab. I'll leave the link for you to visit it:

Supermarine Spitfire Mk I:

Alright. The legendary Spitfire Mk I. I finally concluded its Bump, Metal and Specular textures for its main structure and the decals. One of the things I changed was the fin flash. While I was working on the Bump texture, the Mk I looked good but the Mk IX presented some issues after I had split the mesh in the Mapping editor. For that, my brother helped me with painting the RAF fin flash using the Blender painting tools and adjusting it with Gimp.

Now this British air fighter has been concluded and is ready for the mini-game and future short videos, unless I plan to add more things to the model.

The Spitfire Mk I is available at my Sketchfab. I'll leave the link for you to visit it:

Supermarine Spitfire Mk IX:

And now the Spitfire Mk IX. Like the Mk I, it has been concluded. The textures look nice along the decals. 

I may change some things in the future like the yellow stripes on the wings leading edge. Also, I plan to include the invasion stripes on the wings and fuselage, and perhaps even the decals from Clostermann's Spitfire Mk IX.

The Spitfire Mk IX is available at my Sketchfab. I'll leave the link for you to visit it:

Well, that's it for now my friends. I hope you like this Blog. Let us hope this year bring us new content and something different from the usual. In case I have some spare time to enjoy, I'll be working on other things aside from Blender projects and my personal things. Until the time comes, you will be surprised to see them. See you next time.

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Note: Don't you dare to download these images and re-share it without my permission. If you do, please, leave the original author name.


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