New updates for: P-47D-25-RE, Hurricane Mk I and Tiger I - September 6, 2022
Hello everyone. It's me Antony, back with another blog in 2022. We are now on September 6 - past the half of 2022; hoping for the things to get better. Now that I'm working and studying, my time for Blogs decreased to some occasions and some weekends.
The selective process for health surveillance agent didn't worked as I expected. I asked my employer the status of the calling. She answered the first classified candidate accepted it. Oh well. At least I tried. Now I have to wait for the end of this year and find for another thing to do in case my job contract ends and there's nothing more they can do to extend it.
For this month, my university semester is in course - in which my attention will have to be re-directed to the new tasks, in addition to my studies and job (which are quite stressful but I'm used to. Haha. After that, I think I'll take a break from university and public exams as soon as I settle down for good).
Enough of that. Let's go for the Blog. For today, I'm going to bring new images of the Republic P-47D-25-RE Thunderbolt, the Hawker Hurricane and some renders of the Tiger I - for texture test, and for fun. As usual (lol).
Alright. Let's get started.
Republic P-47D-25-RE Thunderbolt:
The Thunderbolt received new hard points for the bombs and the Browning M2 shells outlets - located under the wings. In addition, I added some engine exhaustion outlets. I saw the P-47 has some 'flaps' for the engine exhaustion outlets - which I have to take a better look in IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad. The propeller blades were adjusted one more time.
Now, the next components to make are: the cockpit interior components like the panel, the stick, the sights and the seat; the navigation lights, the hard points for the rocket launcher tubes, a nice texture and rigging the plane.
Hawker Hurricane Mk I:
I gave the Hurricane some wheels and tires, the forward air intake and the top navigation light and the landing lights on the wings. So far, it's looking good.
I noticed some some lumps around the landing lights on the wings. Due to excessive subdivisions, I had to clean it without messing up the project. And I managed to fix that detail. The Browning MG tapes were remade with a portion from the wings. The previous model looked too solid with Shrinkwrap modifier, so I had to try something different.
After fixing some things, I made the fairings for the Hurricane's landing gear on the wings. Now I have to cut some holes on the wings to make the space for the landing gear when it's retracting during take off.
Also, I made the aerial attachment linked from the tail fin to the antenna. Pretty simple when it comes to Bezier curves and adjust its geometrical size and type. The next thing to do is completing the non-retractable landing gear from the plane's tail, then the canopy's components, the guns' shells outlets, the ailerons and flaps, rigging and texturing this aircraft. I plan to include the Hispano cannons or the Soviet guns like the Berezin MGs or ShVAK cannons, including the Soviet Air Force roundels.
Panzer VI Ausf. E Tiger I:
The Tiger I remains the same after my previous Blogs - the only thing that changed was the texture and the Kuromorimine emblem to replace the original Wehrmacht emblem located on the sides of the chassis.
I may plan to conclude the Tiger I and probably make some inspired in Girls und Panzer - the famous manga / anime series involving Japanese high school girls and WW2 tanks; with the Tiger I being commanded by Maho Nishizumi.
Like I said in my previous Blog (More civil service exams and new updates for: Tiger I and He 111H - July 15, 2022), the next components are the other wires, a rework on the commander main hatch, another adjustment on the gun mantlet, a mounted MG 42 on the turret, a rework on the tracks and wheels and other components.
Well, that's it for now my friends. I hope you enjoy this Blog. In case I have some spare time to enjoy, I'll be working on other things aside from Blender projects and my personal things. Until the time comes, you will be surprised to see them. See you next time.
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