New Updates for: B-17G Flying Fortress and Plans for this year - January 19, 2021

Hello everyone. It's me Antony, back with another Blog during this quarantine phase while the World makes their best to find a (possible) cure for the COVID-19 pandemic. And since this year is starting to unfold for us, nothing like a good Blog to entertain you.

For this Blog, I'm going to talk about new adjustments of the B-17G Flying Fortress as one of the existing projects I've been working for a while aside from the He 111, Ilyushin IL-2 Sturmovik and others.

Amazing. Don't you think?

What I did was: I remade the cabin for the pilot and copilot by using the fuselage mesh and extruding to make that section. After two attempts with different objects, I finally (for what I can say about it) made it pretty nice. Along the cabin, I remade its windows.

And now, more renders of the B-17.

After this update, I decided to include the markings for the Bomber Squadron. Each B-17 has a letter and a geometric shape to represent a bomber squadron during WW2. The G inside of the square represents the 385th Bomber Group. There are others like the 379th (represented by a K inside of the triangle) - from what I remember it is the group from where the Ye Olde Pub (famous B-17 
piloted by Lt. Charlie Brown that was spared by a Bf 109 - piloted by Franz Stigler) was composing. In the future I plan to make the Ye Olde Pub and Stigler's 109 and the scene of their meeting.

Aside from the markings, I plan to make one of those old fashioned aircraft nose-art like I did for my P-38 Lightning.

Now, for what I plan to do in year. I plan to conclude my existing projects before starting a new one. And one of the things I plan to do in this year is my Unity projects - the one of my aircraft and the one inspired in Call of Duty Zombies and Left 4 Dead. While I'm still waiting to be called to work at the public health center from where I live and I performed another exam (this one for an internship vacancy and it was super easy after hours of study), I still have some spare-time to do my things before the online classes, which I have no idea when it will start. And, since I live with my mom and brother and she asks me to do something for a living instead of playing or doing things related to my hobbies, few moments of pure lack of desire to do my things started to appear. Although I do my best to overcome that, the lack of doing a thing related to my graduation is a vacuum that hit hard when I don't have the ways of gaining something for what I do.

Q: Why don't you try Patreon?
I may give it a shot after knowing some artists gain some cash by selling their artworks at Patreon. Also, there's Gumroad and other profitable websites for selling art. However, I know some people sell their NSFW (non-safe for work) artworks on Patreon, which I kinda don't mind about that. I have no plans for doing that, but I hope I can do some things in this year before my second semester.

Well, that's it for now my friends. I hope you enjoy this Blog. In case I have some spare time to enjoy, I'll be working on other things aside from Blender projects and my personal things. Until the time comes, you will be surprised to see them. See you next time.

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Note: Don't you dare to download these images and re-share it without my permission. If you do, please, leave the original author name.


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