2020 Retrospective and New Updates for: IL-2 and He 111 - January 10, 2021

Hello everyone. It's me Antony, back with another Blog during this quarantine phase while the World makes their best to find a (possible) cure for the COVID-19 pandemic. And nothing like a good Blog to entertain you.

Initially, I planned to write a new Blog here during my vacation or after my voyage back home, and record a new video to YouTube - talking about 2020 (a small portion from the beginning of the outbreak while most of the things will be related to my projects and my new temporary job). I recorded a raw video, yet few things made me to discard it and record a new one.

As I did in a previous Blog here where I talk about my projects started in 2019, I will be writing a retrospective of 2020, sharing the projects I started that year.

The Bf 109 has been one of my projects I started in 2019. Fortunately I concluded in 2020, same goes for the Lockheed P-38 Lightning. Despite few things require adjustments - like the textures for example, it has been one of the projects I enjoyed to make.

After I made the E version of the Bf 109, I started the F and T versions.

Speaking of the P-38, there it is. It received a small treatment for its texture, although I have plans to add a Normal Mapping.

Also, I started other WW2 aircraft, like the North American P-51D Mustang - famous Cadillac of the Sky from Empire of the Sun and Angels on our Shoulders from Saving Private Ryan. The Mustang looks nice, despite the font type for the letters is different from the original font used for the original aircraft.

Along the Mustang, I started the Spitfire - both Mark I and Mark IX, with the last one being the first from the versions of the British Spitfire. I love the camouflage pattern for these fighters after looking at the photos. One thing I noticed is the painting I made looked strange due to the components made in separated parts and the Mirror modifier has been applied without reloading the UV Mapping. In the future I plan to remake it and use the painting tool from Blender.

Aside from fighters, I found interested in WW2 bombers, starting by the B-17 Flying Fortress. It showed me a tough challenge after I started it. The cabin requires a rework, same goes for the nose, engines and machine guns from the fuselage. Aside from these details to be attended, it is an interesting project.

Beyond the planes, I started WW2 vehicles like the German Panzer I Ausf. A and the American M3A1 Half-track. Unfortunately I didn't paid enough attention to the American vehicle, leaving it still in order to focus on other projects. Probably in this year I will resume it.

The Ulzikrarun Jinna'ro sword. A project I started in 2019, but it received a proper treatment after revisiting the project. It looks good, despite few things require some adjustments.

I must not forget one thing I enjoy the most that has been made on Blender: Claymore characters. At 2020, I was working on some characters aside from the existing ones (Priscilla, Irene, Teresa, Noel and Sophia). Then on February I had to pause after my brother and I installed the 2.82 version for Blender and messed up the Bezier curves for the hair at some projects (noticeable on Jean, Irene and Teresa) and the Empty Object for the sword that was attached to the armature. Fortunately, after we bought new computer components to build a new one and installing Blender 2.8, I was able to revisit the projects and replace the Empty by the armature itself that is rigging the character. Also, I started the projects for Flora and Clare with a different method for making hair with Bezier after a midterm project I was working.

During the time I was working at the public health clinic and with the new computer we built, I was able to conclude a small 3D animation for the YouTube channel. The video portrayed the P-38 Lightning flying and the camera followed it at different angles. Although it looked a little weird, it was the first animated video made with Blender renders after my previous made of the USS Enterprise made on Minecraft - exported to 3DS Max. In the future I'll make other animated videos with the P-38 and other aircraft made on Blender for aerial combat.

Aside from these projects and the first animated video, I made a small midterm project involving Minecraft style and my original crossover story - Antony's Triviality. I plan to make a small animation with them, but I'm not sure about making a movie from the written story since it is a crossover.

And, after I found interested in making a mini-game inspired in CoD Zombies and Left 4 Dead (stated mostly on TonyGamingProjects), I made Priscilla and Paige (from The Walking Dead: Michonne) in Minecraft style along an American soldier and a German soldat armed with a Thompson M1A1 and an StG 44 to fight the zombies, and Paige was armed with the M1 Garand. Yeah, I also plan to make an animated movie with these characters, running and facing the zombies in order to find shelter.

I made other projects aside from the ones above. Like for example the pool, the elevators to an office room and a sci-fi futuristic city. My brother helped me with the water and lighting for the pool project. Probably in the future I'll add more props and a nice house to fit with it. As for the city, who knows it might become a scene for an animated video inspired in Awakened New Earth - my sci-fi / cyberpunk inspired story.

Back to WW2 planes. I while in the middle of 2020 to the approaching end of that year, I started the German Messerschmitt Me 262 A-1a along the A-1a/U-4 (the 50 mm cannon version) and the Focke-Wulf FW190 A-8 after I found interested to make these planes. At the moment, they are still in development to be exported to Unity.

Speaking on Unity, I recorded a brief demonstration of what I did with the replicas of WW2 air fighters made on Blender. For one thing, it looks good for a programming learner on Unity. I plan to resume this project in this year, if nothing turns my attention to more important things.

And to conclude the 2020 section, two more planes: Heinkel He 111 H-1 and Ilyushin IL-2 Sturmovik. They were started at the end of 2020 and received new updates in this month.

Heinkel He 111:

The Heinkel 111 received a new pair of tri-bladed propellers, along the engine exhaustion outlet for each engine and a small correction for the air intakes.

Ilyushin IL-2 Sturmovik:

The IL-2 received new pair of wing cannons, tri-bladed propellers, front sight since a considerable number of Soviet planes didn't had reflective sight (I guess they only started to use the reflective sight after the introduction of Yak-9, La-7 and other modern WW2 planes prior to MiG-15), engine outlets and decals from the Soviet Air Force. It was a little tricky to fit the roundel to the rudder.

After these changes, I'm going to show you a small 'just for fun' section with the He 111 escorted by German fighters like Bf 109, FW 190 and Me 262.

Incredible. Don't you agree? I tried my best to scale them based on their real size found on Wikipedia and other sources I could find.

Although they are subject to change and somewhat Blender has a small problem with Out of Memory after I try to adjust the planes to a desired position, I plan to make the components for each to become a single object and fix whatever I can before making a new animated video.

Well, that's it for now my friends. I hope you enjoy this Blog. In case I have some spare time to enjoy, I'll be working on other things aside from Blender projects and my personal things. Until the time comes, you will be surprised to see them. See you next time.

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Claymore is a trademark of Norihiro Yagi (original writer and mangaka), Shueisha (publisher), Monthly Shōnen Jump, Weekly Shōnen Jump, Jump Square (manga distributor) and Madhouse Studio (anime).

Note: Don't you dare to download these images and re-share it without my permission. If you do, please, leave the original author name.


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