Heinkel He 111 and Ilyushin IL-2 (new project) - December 22, 2020

Hello everyone. It's me Antony, back with another Blog during this quarantine phase while the World makes their best to find a (possible) cure for the COVID-19 pandemic. And nothing like a good Blog to entertain you.

December arrived and the year is close to the end. Before we move on to the next year, let's write another Blog of 2020 while we're hoping the things get better as the world continues to fight for survival and to develop a (possible) cure for this pandemic.

For this Blog, I'm going to bring new rendered images of my new projects here on Blender. For the first new project, I selected the German bomber Heinkel He 111. Prior to the Second Great War and under the Treaty of Versailles, Germany could only produce civil aircraft, with Heinkel and Dornier producing its aircraft for mail and passenger transport. However, with the Nazi rising to power in Germany, these aircraft were converted to bombers. The He 111 became part of the German bomber arsenal along the Do 17, the infamous Ju 87 Stuka and Ju 88 - with this one being developed purely as bomber for the Schnellbomber program; and it saw action in the Spanish Civil War, then the Invasion of Poland, Netherlands, Belgium, France and Britain - where it was heavily defeated by British fighters. After that, Heinkel continued producing its bombers for the Eastern Front until it was finally retired when the war was over. The Spanish Air Force continued using the He 111 as CASA 2.111 - the Spanish licensed built version of the He 111. The major differences between the original German bomber and the Spanish bomber was the engine housing - with the original aircraft using Junkers Jumo engines or Daimler Benz engines, while the license-built planes counted with Rolls-Royce Merlin engines.

Let me show you the renders of the He 111.

Incredible. Isn't it? I selected the H-1 version of the Heinkel He 111 to make in Blender. The first components were the main fuselage, wings, the engines, antenna, the top turret and rudder. I know the air intake is not identical to the original aircraft. I plan to fix that later. Same thing to the top turret.

Now to the next renders.

I changed the color to Hellblau, Schwarz, metal and glass. Also, I made the horizontal tail for the aircraft and a small modification for the MG targeting glass sight. In this project, I didn't used the Mirror modifier for the fuselage because of the cabin. Another thing that was tricky was its elevator and trims. I struggled to make it last night. So far it's looking good.

Next thing to do is making the down turret, the bomb bay dor (some He 111 doesn't have a bomb bay door while loading two 1000 lb bombs), the propellers, the machine guns (MG15 or MG17), the ailerons, canopy framing, landing gears, decals, texture and rigging it.

And now the second project: The Soviet Ilyushin IL-2 Sturmovik. When the Soviets realized their Polikarpov fighters were outdated and they stood behind the other nations, Stalin ordered his engineers and aircraft designers to develop a new aircraft for the Red Army, capable of having a payload in bombs or rockets and powerful weaponry - capable of destroying ground targets. Sergey Ilyushin developed a new aircraft built entirely in metal (I don't know it counted with steel or aluminum because of its reinforced structure) and this aircraft had a slow production due to the German army arriving at the doors of the Soviet Union and the factories started to move from one corner to another, resuming their production - with few IL-2 coming out from the factories and a considerable number of other planes like MiG-3, Yak planes, LaGG-3 and La-5. Due to that situation, Stalin ordered the factories to mass produce the IL-2 as fast as they could and in great numbers or they would face dire consequences. Soviet pilots had little to no flight knowledge to fly the new aircraft and some fell by accident rather than by the enemy. But it proved to be a capable ground attack fighter as the Soviets developed new tactics to engage enemy fighters, tanks, vehicles and encampments, causing great damage to the Germans and their allies (Italians, Hungarians, Romanians, Spanish and others). Erich Hartmann - top famous WW2 ace - fought the IL-2 Sturmovik and described them as vulnerable if hit on its belly and nearly invulnerable if hit on the upper section of the aircraft.

Let me show you the renders of the IL-2 Sturmovik.

This is what I made so far. The first components were the fuselage, propeller spinner, wings and air intake on its nose. After that, I added new components like the belly air intake, tail rudder and elevator.

Aside from these new additions, I changed the color to a Soviel Field Green and paint the spinner in black. But there's an IL-2 with a blue spinner - which I may change it in the future. Next components are the landing gear fairings and housing, propellers, engine exhaustion outlets, cannons, cockpit and Berezin MG for the gunner, texture, decals (including the iconic За Родину! - For the Motherland!) and rigging it.

Well, that's it for now my friends. I hope you enjoy this Blog. In case I have some spare time to enjoy, I'll be working on other things aside from Blender projects and my personal things. Until the time comes, you will be surprised to see them. See you next time.

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