WW2 Vehicles

This page is dedicated to some of my WW2 vehicles - from motorcycles to cars, trucks, APCs (armored personal carriers) and more. This includes the variants and other models. I'll share it by order of creation.

M3 Half-Track

The M3 Half-Track is an American half-track vehicle built during WW2 until its retirement in 1990. Half-track because of a pair of tracks (similar to those used by tanks) over a set of rear wheels on a vehicle, but keeping the front wheels for guiding the vehicle. The main function of the M3 was the transport of troops, supplies and important materials over rugged terrain where conventional vehicles can't walk through. Most of these vehicles were equipped with M2 Browning .50 machine guns and / or M1919 Browning machine guns for anti-infantrymen defensive purpose, although there were other versions for the M3 Half-Track like the tank destroyer version or by its name M3 Gun Motor Carriage - carrying a 75 mm M1897A4 gun; and the M13 and M16 Multiple Gun Motor Carriage - for AA (anti-aircraft) role with the M45 Quadmount turret. Aside from the United States, other countries like Brazil, The Commonwealth (UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and British colonies), Portugal and the Soviet Union operated the M3 thanks to the Lend-Lease program; while few units fell to the Germans during the North African campaign and the Western Front.

Volkswagen Kübelwagen

The Volkswagen Typ 82 Kübelwagen is a military adaptation from the Volkswagen Käfer (Beetle in German) after its success in Germany before the invasion of Poland that started World War 2. Ferdinand Porsche - who designed the Volkswagen car for the German people during the initial days of the Nazi regime, made adaptations to the model in order to achieve the specifications from the high ranking military officers. In 1939 the Kübelwagen was born under designation Volkswagen Typ 82. Different from many other vehicles built prior and during WW2, the Kübelwagen was not a 4 x 4-wheel drive vehicle nor faster than the American Jeep Willys, but it proved to be superior in maneuvering over rough terrain. It also has an air-cooled engine instead of a water-cooled engine, in which one bullet hole is enough to stop a vehicle and under highly tolerant of hot or cold climates, the Kübelwagen proved to be an incredible machine to withstand these climatic conditions. For defensive purpose, the Kübelwagen counted with mounted MG34 or MG42. After the war, a considerable number of German Kübelwagen survived in Germany and other countries (exported by the Allied nations for study and museum), and some can even be found under good conditions and working.

I plan to bring more content related to this page. Until I have the renders of the other planes, it will take a considerable time - which by the moment might be complicated due to my studies and job. Still, I hope you like this page, the images and the brief info about the vehicles I made.

See you next time.

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