New video and new updates for: Lancaster and B-29 - November 14, 2024

Hello everyone. It's me Antony, back with another Blog in 2024. We are now on November 14 - past the half of 2024.

I know. I've been absent without writing anything new here. Job, studies, playing video-games, watching some YouTube videos, listening to some musics and doing my chores at some moments decreased my spare-time dedicated to Blogs.

I'm now working on the new role as health community agent and now, my colleagues and I are visiting the families as part of our job to improve the health quality in our community and town. Things are looking good and we're enjoying in our new role.

The 8th semester is finished. Another thing I won't be bothered with. After the second university, I'll give a break for good.

And, again, new Nightwave chapter has been released, with new cosmetics, new mods, new Warframe slot, new weapons slots, rewards from the previous chapters and more. Damn. This never ends and I'm waiting for 1999 to be released (only in winter I guess). Man, I feel exhausted, but let's go.

For this Blog, I'm going to share you the recent video I uploaded to my YouTube channel and new rendered images of the Avro Lancaster B Mk III, along the B-29 Superfortress.

I know. Job, studies, playing video-games, watching some YouTube videos, listening to some musics, working on my previous Blender projects and doing my chores at some moments took my attention away from the Lancaster time-lapse video series. But I made a great progress after making the textures for the Bump, Metal and Specular. I'm pretty sure I'll conclude this series and move on to the next one.

Question: Any idea for a next time-lapse video series?
There are some ideas for upcoming series like I did for the Bf 109 and the Lancaster. A guy asked me a detailed F4 Phantom - the American air fighter from the Vietnam War. I plan to make it, along modern jet fighters and bombers from Cold War, Vietnam War and Modern Era. Another idea I have in mind is civilian vehicles, with one in particular the Romi Isetta.

And now I'll show you the renders of the British bomber.

The Lancaster received a major update on its main texture. I've moved the decals from separate objects to be part of the texture - similar to what I did to my previous planes. Not all planes received this update, but I'll slowly do that since there are lots of them to review / to finish.

The engine exhaust gases were also added to the wings and nacelles. And, during my recordings, I was working on the Bump texture for the Lancaster's wings. So far, so far. Minor changes were few internal components being adjusted.

During the time, I changed the settings for the Subdivision Surface modifier - from Keep Boundaries to Keep Corners. This change made me to update the lines for the alloy spacing.

Let me show you the new renders of the Avro Lancaster.

The Lancaster received the textures for the Metal and Specular nodes, with the Bump texture receiving adjustments after the change in the Subdivision Surface. Now it's looking great in the current stage of development.

The next thing to do is the interior, concluding the last components, add the Weathering effects and rigging it. I plan to add the Bouncing Bombs, the Grand Slam, the Tallboy and the other bombs this British bomber carried into Germany during the night raids in WW2.

Boeing B-29 Superfortress:

The B-29 received a major update on its model. The most important is the greenhouse cabin. After several models and attempts, I went for a video I watched on YouTube from a guy that teaches one of the ways he did for the cabin. I'll leave the link to his video.

The following images will show you a comparison between the new model and the old model.

New model

Old model

New model

Old model

New model

Old model

What I did was: I created a new cylinder with 20 vertices and extruded some vertices and edges to create the line for the upper side of the cabin. Then I extruded it to create several faces with the rotation tool.

For the windows, I used the Insert and remove the faces. Since the Subdivision won't forgive you as it project some curves in the mesh, I had to create some smart subdivisions and Crease Edges. After that, I added the Solidify and Mirror. Unlike my previous model for the fuselage, the new model has an interesting design. The results were worthwhile.

The doors for the landing gear and bomb bay had to be remade.

This is the video that assisted me of making the forward section of the B-29's fuselage / greenhouse cabin.

Another thing added to the B-29 is the engine exhaustion outlets. I had to search for more images for reference. At least the aircraft is looking good.

After that, I made some changes on its model. Let me show you what I did.

More windows were added to the American Superfortress, including a retractable tail skid during take-offs and a small cylinder for the engines. Since it would make the project a little heavier in case I would append the original model from the B-17, I had the idea of using a Bump texture for the projections. Let's hope this idea works.

Minor changes were adjusting the rotation for the elevator and adding the black color in the trailing edge for it and the rudder.

Well, that's it for now my friends. I hope you like this Blog. Let us hope this year bring us new content and something different from the usual. In case I have some spare time to enjoy, I'll be working on other things aside from Blender projects and my personal things. Until the time comes, you will be surprised to see them. See you next time.

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Note: Don't you dare to download these images and re-share it without my permission. If you do, please, leave the original author name.


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