Pixiv and some changes on sharing my artworks - August 31, 2023

Hello everyone. It's me Antony, back with another blog in 2023. We are now on August 31 - past the half of 2023. Now that I'm working and my 7th semester has started, my time for Blogs decreased to some occasions. At least it is good to be back at work.

I'm still waiting for any news related to the new civil service exam of this year - with some to the education and health departments; and the subscriptions to be open in case I plan to apply for another public job. Like I said before, I may give it a shot, but it will be the same thing as before - Reserve my days and my spare-time for study. If I fail, it would be another civil service performed, with my money being spent for nothing.

For the calling process to work as a teacher, I definitely gave up due to the lack/low number of vacancies for mathematics teachers. My mom said for December they might re-open the subscriptions. However, I'm not sure I plan to do that in case I'm going to wait for too long until they reach to my position and then I announce my interest for that vacancy.

Enough of that, let's go for the important. For this Blog, I'm going to talk about some small changes I plan for the future. I recently created a new account on Pixiv. I stated the interest of sharing some of my original artworks on that website aside from DeviantArt, Twitter and Facebook. I still have that journal in case you want to read it. (Artstation, Pixiv - Should I try?)

However, with the advent of AI artworks and some websites host those pictures, I may impose some limits related to the artworks I find and like / favorite. Although Pixiv, ArtStation and DeviantArt added the option of not showing anything made with Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, DALL-E, NovelAI or by any software, program or application that can create image by coding, some people expressed their opinion about the hosting that kind of content into social media dedicated to art. That includes myself.

In the past, I used to share my original content on DeviantArt with some frequency. But, after the introduction of the Eclipse and some options were removed / changed, then the Dream-up feature - of creating AI images with DA's third-party application, I decided to migrate most of my artistic content to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, ArtStation and here; removing my original content on DA, leaving only seven images on my gallery.

Question: Will I repost my original artworks from DeviantArt to Pixiv?
I do, but, not all of them. Here's the list of what to share at every social network I have:

I'll only share the WIPs and the sketches here, on my Instagram and Twitter. Probably I may limit the posts on my Facebook page for complete artworks only (from digital to 3D works).

Literary works will remain with the original schedule - on my second Blogspot (Antony B. Arnoni - Literary Works) unless I plan to create an account on Fanfiction or Social Spirit.

Digital artworks will be shared on Pixiv - remaining with the original schedule on my Insta, Twitter and Facebook. Probably I plan to include ArtStation since there are some 2D artworks there.

And for the 3D works, I'll continue uploading at ArtStation, Facebook and Insta. Probably I plan to include Sketchfab in my social network as I mentioned on a Blog I wrote with the first images of the T-34.

One thing I want to highlight is: like DeviantArt, Pixiv hosts a considerable number of NSFW images. Yet, the sensitive areas must be censored in order to follow the guidelines related to Japanese obscenity laws.

I don't plan to going too further like I used to do on DeviantArt, plus I'm purging my favorite section until nothing is left from that kind of content.

The link to my Pixiv profile is here:

Well, that's it for now my friends. I hope you like this Blog. I don't have updates from my original works to share you. In case I have some spare time to enjoy, I'll be working on other things aside from Blender projects and my personal things. Until the time comes, you will be surprised to see them. See you next time.

My DeviantArt:
My second Youtube channel:
My other Blogspot places:
My Facebook page:
My Instagram:
My ArtStation:


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