Google Photos and New Updates for: P-40N, FW-190A-8 and Macchi C.202 (new project) - May 31, 2021
Hello everyone. It's me Antony, back with another Blog during this quarantine phase while the World makes their best to find a (possible) cure for the COVID-19 pandemic. And since this year is starting to unfold for us, nothing like a good Blog to entertain you. Before I start with new rendered images, I must inform we are close to June 1st - the date Google Photos will end the unlimited space for uploading new photos. That means the new photos uploaded there will consume space given by Google for every created account without the packages for extra space in their servers. I shared my thoughts about it, in case you want to see / read it. ( Back to where I started, changes on Photos and Claymore Flora (new project) - November 15, 2020 ) - x - Now, back to the important. I'm going to show you the new adjustments of the P-40N Warhawk and the Focke-Wulf FW 190A-8 after my last Blog here. Now that I'm working at the health center from where I live, my time to work on my Blender ...