New Updates for: P-40N Warhawk - March 28, 2021

Hello everyone. It's me Antony, back with another Blog during this quarantine phase while the World makes their best to find a (possible) cure for the COVID-19 pandemic. And since this year is starting to unfold for us, nothing like a good Blog to entertain you. For this Blog, I'm going to show you the new adjustments of the P-40N Warhawk. Before I could call it a day at the time I wrote the previous Blog ( New Updates for: Heinkel He 111 and P-40N Warhawk (new project) - March 27, 2021 ), I made new components for the American aircraft. I made the wings and the elevator for the P-40 Warhawk. Unlike my previous models, I decided to use a technique I learned from a tutorial I found on YouTube in how to make airplane wings. I believe I used this technique for the Spitfire wings. The elevator was made with a small portion from the horizontal tail - just by extruding some edges and faces, then aligning it to the drawing. To conclude this Blog, I added a temporary texture for the ai...