Civil service exam and new updates for: Tempest Mk V, Ki-43-I and M3 Lee (new project) - November 4th, 2023
Hello everyone. It's me Antony, back with another blog in 2023. We are now on November 4th - approaching the end of 2023. Now that I'm working and my 7th semester has started, my time for Blogs decreased to some occasions. At least it is good to be back at work. Yesterday afternoon, my family and I were left without internet due to the storms and windstorm. The internet provider contacted us, informing us that they were carrying out maintenance and that it would return to normal after noon. The fiber optic cables broke due to the storm that occurred in the city of origin in those days. At least it's good to have Internet back. Not only for games and videos, but also for studies, job and more. Speaking in job and studies, I recently learned the town hall announced the opening of registrations for the civil service exam. Registration will open until November 17th, with the tests scheduled for December 3rd, 10th and 17th at different times. As always, I'll have to ...