
Showing posts from July, 2022

Absence, new updates for: P-47D-25-RE and new ideas for future projects - WW2 planes - July 26, 2022

Hello everyone. It's me Antony, back with another blog in 2022. Now that I'm working and studying, my time for Blogs decreased to some occasions and some weekends. I'm not sure what the future holds after my work at the public health center ends in August of this year. But one thing is certain: Until they call me effectively, I need to dedicate a good part of my time to the next civil service exams. I recently learned that the examining board announced the list of those qualified for the civil service exam I performed to school clerk and, even though I qualified, I wasn't on the list of those qualified for the next phase of the test. Well, I guess I've to move on to the next ones - the one for health surveillance agent, one for archive clerk in the town hall and one for accountant. And again, Warframe brought a new Nightwave chapter, which will be a pain in my butt. Still, these things always take my attention, making the progress to slow down. (sigh) For this Blog,...

More civil service exams and new updates for: Tiger I and He 111H - July 15, 2022

Hello everyone. It's me Antony, back with another blog in 2022. Now that I'm working and studying, my time for Blogs decreased to some occasions and some weekends. I'm not sure what the future holds after my work at the public health center ends in August of this year. But one thing is certain: Until they call me effectively, I need to dedicate a good part of my time to the next civil service exams. The exam I performed for the school archive clerk vacancy on the July 3rd had a considerable grade, but I really wished I could be better - having scored 24 questions marked as correct. Now I'm waiting for the classified list and hope to get in and proceed to the next phase of the exam. For the next days, I'll been studying for two upcoming civil service exams that will be applied in August 14. One is for archive clerk in the town hall and one for accountant. There's another selective process exam that is open for registration - with vacancies for community health wo...